The broken window theory in the real world

I used to live in beautiful sunny Neutral Bay, Sydney where I walked along Bent Street every day. I moved back to Europe at the end of this July and just found this in my Draft blog folder..
I experienced the "broken window theory" myself, in front of my door.

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18 February
23 February 1 March

Code smell - LINQ to SQL Datacontext usage and more… - Refactoring work in progress

Following up the blog post about some major issues in the usage of the datacontext I dig into more details here.
Here is the initial blog post with an intro and the whole code

Lets start to look at the methods itself, starting with: "UpdateEmployeePositionHistory".

Code smell - LINQ to SQL Datacontext usage and more…

I just came across some code where I needed to fix a couple of issues in. Since I am a strong proponent of continuous improvement and refactoring I thought I blog about this good example.


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